How to Lose Weight Fast
When we talk about how to lose weight fast, what we really want to know is how to lose weight fast … and keep it off. Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast, but honestly if it was all that easy, then everyone would be doing it. Following the HCG Weight Loss Plan, you will learn how to reset your metabolic rate so that fat is burned and not stored. Every diet you’ve ever followed before now has taught your body that food is scarce – you might starve – store fat now! HCG (human chorionic gonadatropin) is a naturally occurring hormone whose sole purpose in the body is to release stored fat. While taking HCG, it is possible to consume a very low calorie diet (not more than 500 calories a day) and not have your body go into starvation mode. HCG causes 3,500 calories a day or more (the equivalent of one pound of fat) to be burned to satisfy the body’s need for fuel. In your plan to learn how to lose weight fast, the HCG Weight Loss Plan will get you off the dieting merry-go-round and onto living life in a trim and healthy body.
How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy
Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast and easy, but more important than knowing how to lose weight fast and easy is learning how to reset your metabolism to keep the weight off for good. In searching for a diet that will show you how to lose weight fast and easy, beware of the unrealistic promises and to-good-to-be-true stories that can be deceptive and guarantee that you’ll know how to lose weight fast and easy. Face the facts – losing weight takes some effort on you part, but it is so very worth it. You will have to eat a very low calorie diet with a very specific list of normal and easy to find foods. You will need to be diligent about taking the medication exactly as it is prescribed each and every day. You need to investigate your reasons for being overweight or obese in the first place and deal with those emotional issues and triggers. Any program that teaches you how to lose weight fast and easy is much more fun if you have a buddy, so try to enlist a trusted friend to support you in your goals. With these things in place, you truly can learn how to lose weight fast and easy, but you still have to do it.
How to Lose Weight Fast Tips

Here at Weight Loss Medical Center, we have a lot of experience with dieting. We have gathered some of the best how to lose weight fast tips here, and we’ll be sharing other great how to lose weight fast tips throughout this website. These are tried and true tips from successful dieters … people who are no longer dieters, but are now living life to the fullest with trim and healthy bodies. Let’s get started with our how to lose weight fast tips:
- Keep track of everything that goes in your mouth, even water. There are online program for tracking what you eat, or you can use a small pocket notebook. This is the number 1 how to lose weight fast tip from those who have successfully lost their excess weight.
- Calories Count – so count them all! On the HCG Weight Loss Plan, it is necessary to be sure that you don’t go over 500 calories a day. As you look over the HCG Weight Loss Plan, you will see that the selections will usually add up to roughly 500 calories. That is your starting point – you must count the calories in your foods to be sure you don’t go over that amount every day.
- Dieting loves company! Find a friend or family member who will be on your team. It could be someone who also needs to lose weight, or someone who already has healthy habits in place and can cheer you on. Many people find support and encouragement in online groups. Seek out those who are positive and uplifting. Leave the rest behind.
- Throw out your “fat”clothes. Especially if you have a lot of weight to lose, you may find yourself descending through different sizes of clothing. Don’t keep the larger sizes … pass them on to a larger friend, donate them, or burn them in effigy … but don’t keep them around “just in case” you need them again. This is one of the most important how to lose weight fast tips.
- Address your issues. Looking to food to solve emotional problems never works, and it just causes more problems. Seek out professional help whether in your place of worship, a family counseling center, through your work EAP or school guidance center. Be willing to look, learn and change the aspects of your character that have been keeping you unhealthy.
How to Lose Weight Fast Diet
We know you want to learn the details of the How To Lose Weight Fast Diet. Your clinical adviser will be happy to give you all the details and answer any of your questions about the How To Lose Weight Fast Diet. Is it easy to follow? Yes, but you will have to make some changes and step out of your comfort zone, but in all honesty … look at where living in your comfort zone has taken you. Take stock of your current situation. Just like a business can’t operate without taking stock of its inventory, you too need to take a realistic look at where you are physically, mentally and emotionally. If these areas need changes, it is time to step up, get busy and follow the How To Lose Weight Fast Diet. There is a reason why you have stored the excess weight on your body, and it necessary for you to address these reasons as you now embark on your new healthy lifestyle.
How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week or 2
If you have a special function right around the corner, a wedding, high school or college reunion, bar mitzvah, or vacation, you probably want to know how to lose weight fast in a week or 2. The HCG Diet Program usually metabolizes 3,500 calories a day or more. One pound of fat is 3,500 calories. Being diligent with the program and adhering to the very low calorie diet plan will cause your body to lose a pound or more a day. Of course, there are many variables between individuals, but we have seen many people lose much more than this – up to 50-100% more. We understand how important it is to look and feel your best for these once in a lifetime events. Following the HCG Diet Program will give you the tools and show you how to lose weight fast in a week or 2.
How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy
The HCG Weight Loss Program will show you how to lose weight fast and healthy because the HCG will help your body release the stubborn stored fat in the abdomen, hips and thighs. In learning how to lose weight fast and healthy, you will see that your body actually contains 3 types of fat, and the HCG Diet Program only targets this stored fat, and not the fat needed by the body’s joints and organs for normal functioning or in the face which maintains the youthful appearance. The typical low calorie diet without HCG will make your body lose these necessary fat stores along with muscle mass and water weight, which is why as soon as you finish the diet, you gain the weight right back. The HCG Diet Program targets only the stubborn stored fat and shows you how to lose weight fast and healthy and helps to reshape and resculpt your body into a healthier, sleeker new you, so you can walk into those special events with confidence and pride in your appearance.
How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off
There are many ways to lose weight fast, but in order to learn how to lose weight fast and keep it off, and maintain a healthy body and lifestyle, you need to know the ways to lose weight fast and reset your metabolism to keep the weight off for good. With the HCG Weight Loss Program, you will learn how the metabolism is reset to burn the stored fat which the body doesn’t need to function. In Phase 3, which we describe on the HCG Diet page, you will learn the exact methods to maintain your weight loss and, if necessary, prepare for a second round of HCG treatment if continued weight loss is needed. Learning good nutritional balance and learning to truly plan ahead and pay attention to what you are eating will show you how to lose weight fast and keep it off.
How to Lose Weight Fast for Men
Just like everyone else, the overweight and obese males want to know how to lose weight fast for men. The HCG Weight Loss Plan works exactly the same for men as it does for women. HCG is not a sex hormone, and its action is the same in men, women, and those who no longer have functioning sex-glands due to old age or surgical removal. It will not make men feminine, nor will it make women at all masculine. Not all hormones are associated with the sex hormones. HCG is similar to those circulating in the body like, thyroid, insulin, cortisone, adrenalin and others. With HCG, the gentlemen can learn how to lose weight fast for men, and they often see faster and more dramatic results than women. When the gentlemen out there learn how to lose weight fast for men, they will see that HCG for weight loss is the one added ingredient that makes the goal of being a healthy weight attainable for thousands of people every day.
How to Lose Weight Fast and Safe
Do you know what you will find if you look for how to lose weight fast and safe? You will probably find a low-calorie diet and exercise program showing you how to lose weight fast and safely which will help you lose a pound or two a week. Then in a month of eating a healthy low-cal diet (i.e., about 1200 calories a day), do you think your metabolism will have increased or decreased? It decreases because the body is smart. Your body slows down because, while you were thinking about how to lose weight fast and safe, it perceives this decrease in calories as a famine and thinks it must store as much fat as possible. Realistically speaking, it is unlikely anyone reading this page in America will ever die of starvation. After you have followed your plan for how to lose weight slowly, when you return to a healthy 2,000-calorie a day diet, your new lower metabolism will store the extra 800 calories every day adding a pound to your body every three weeks. A pound is equal to 3,500 calories. This doesn’t sound like such a great plan, does it? That is why so few people keep their weight off when they lose it on a “safe” diet plan. The HCG Weight Loss Program will show you how to lose weight fast and safely, and it is based on decades of research and experience with thousands of successful people.
How to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise and Diet
People who have a lot of experience with dieting are naturally wondering how to lose weight fast with exercise and diet, but the HCG Diet Program encourages you to exercise gently while learning how to lose weight fast and to avoid stress if at all possible. It is a challenge for the veteran dieter to let go of seeking how to lose weight fast with exercise and diet, but it is necessary on the HCG Weight Loss Program. Dr. Simeons, an endocrinologist, knew that the glands of the endocrine system are inter-related. The thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and the hypothalamus are all very closely related, and stress is often the catalyst that upsets the delicate balance. It is the typically over-stressed, over-exercised, lacking-in-adequate-sleep lifestyle, which causes the glands of the endocrine system to fail at their appointed duties. As a doctor specializing in the endocrine system, Dr. Simeons was highly concerned with healing the damage done by our complicated lifestyles. We recommend that you set aside the idea of how to lose weight fast with exercise and diet for a few weeks while you are on the HCG Weight Loss Program. Take gentle walks and some gentle stretching, and remember to enjoy deep breathing and quiet meditation. You’ll have so much more fun when you return to your exercise routine in your trim and healthy body.
How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise
If your body is already suffering from the effects of being overweight or obese, you may be looking for how to lose weight fast without exercise. Well – you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Simeons, a British endocrinologist, was seeking a solution for obesity back in the ‘50s and realized that HCG, the same hormone that helps an expectant mother mobilize her fat stores to support her developing baby, could be utilized to help his obese patients burn off their stored fat when they followed a very low calorie diet. Dr. Simeons actually suggested that his patients not engage in rigorous exercise programs while on this diet, as any stressful activity is counter-productive to training the hypothalamus to increase the metabolism and to burn stored fat. You’ve probably noticed if you’re looking for how to lose weight fast without exercise that most diets will tell you to just get over it, but on the HCG Weight Loss Program, we encourage you to let the HCG do its work by taking casual walks and focusing on calming activities, such as gentle stretching, breathing, and meditation, to reduce your stress level.
HCG Reviews – What Our Clients Say:
Charlie T. of Ft. Lauderdale, FL writes:
HCG works! I flew passed 60 and the pounds just kept piling up. I was miserable, out of breath all the time, couldn’t play with the grandkids. I knew it wasn’t healthy, and my wife and doctor were always trying to get me to lose some weight. I found HCG Weight Loss Ft. Lauderdale, FL and gave them a call. They explained everything, and I checked it out with my primary care physician. He said to give it a try, and he’d monitor my progress along the way. Well I lost the 30 pounds I needed to in the program, and I’m happy to say that I’ve kept it off over a year now. I’ve been intending to write this letter for a while now, but I’m having too much fun enjoying my retirement, my grandkids and my wife … err life (grin). Happy Grandpa, Charlie T., HCG Weight Loss Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Alice P. of Atlanta, GA writes:
HCG Weight Loss Atlanta GA saved my life. I’m only half way through all the weight I need to lose, over 100 pounds, but I’m happy and amazed that it’s working. My blood pressure is normal finally, and the pre-diabetes symptoms my doctor was worried about have gone away. I’ve dealt with all my emotional reasons for eating, but I just couldn’t get the weight off. Too many years of obesity had really screwed up my system. At least now I’m heading in the right direction. I’m so happy! Thank you HCG Weight Loss Atlanta GA … Alice P.
Trisha L. of Detroit, MI writes:
Now that I’m on the HCG Weight Loss program, I’m really shocked at how good food tastes. My family always fried food – I grew up on fried food – I only cook fried food. When I went out to eat, I bought only fried food. The people at HCG Weight Loss Detroit MI showed me their plan that includes very little fat and low carbohydrates. I thought it would be impossible. I was afraid I’d always be hungry. I’m happy to say the opposite is true. The food is good, and I feel so much better eating less and not sliming my body with all that fat. I’m grateful to HCG Weight Loss Detroit MI, Trisha L.
Lloyd P. of Oklahoma City, OK writes:
I climbed into my old pickup truck last summer and a spring broke. That was the last straw. My buddy told me about HCG Weight Loss Oklahoma City OK, and I gave them a call. It ain’t easy, but it was humiliating having to tell folks I was so fat that I broke my truck. I’m doing what the plan says, eating the food and taking the shots. I’ve been on it about 3 weeks, and I’ve lost 25 pounds. I’m going to keep at it. I’ll write again when I’m done. Thanks, Lloyd P., HCG Weight Loss Oklahoma City OK
Sandy R. of Pittsburg, PA writes:
I had just graduated from college (yay) and 4 years of dorm food and fast food. I use to be pretty athletic in high school, but my course load in college didn’t leave me time to do anything. I landed my first job and got an apartment and started thinking about losing weight. I joined a gym and tried to eat right, but the weight just would not come off. A lady at the gym told me about HCG Weight Loss Pittsburg PA. I told her anything like that would have to be really easy. I’m not really much of a cook, but I didn’t want one of those packaged food plans. The people at HCG Weight Loss Pittsburg PA were really helpful and explained everything. I lost 40 pounds, and I feel great. I have so much more energy. You guys rock! Sandy R., Pittsburg, PA